Respect and Protect Drivers

What’s the new “normal” for truck drivers?  Respect & Protect!!!


Much appreciation goes out to all the truck drivers that helped keep our country running throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many drivers worked tirelessly for weeks on end, never going home to their families, all so that we could have food on our shelves and the necessities of life that many of us took for granted. 

It’s been good to see the media and those outside of trucking expressing similar comments.  For too long, the work and sacrifices of truck drivers have been taken for granted.  Now, in casual conversation with strangers, people express appreciation for drivers before I’ve even mentioned I work in this industry.

Now What?

My question today is now what?

As we begin to reopen and get back to “normal”, will we go back to treating drivers the way we did before the pandemic?  Do we forget about the men and women who came through for us in our time of need?  Do we rush to hire drivers so that they can take care of us and fill our needs while ignoring theirs?  No!

Instead of going back to the way things used to be, we need to move forward to a new “normal.”  Let’s learn from this experience and establish new and better norms for ourselves.  In my opinion the new “normal” when it comes to professional drivers is to Respect and Protect!


Respect has always been something drivers need more of. Respect from the motoring public, respect from the trucking companies they work for, and respect from the citizens they serve.

Truck driving is a tough job, especially for irregular-route long-haul truckers who spend weeks on the road with unpredictable hours, unpredictable miles, and unpredictable paychecks.  It takes real skill to safely back a 53-foot trailer and to navigate congested freeways and narrow city streets. 

On top of the tough lifestyle and difficult work, many drivers are burdened with the unnecessary stress of employers and brokers at the other end of a phone or Qualcomm that just don’t get it, and dealing with shippers and receivers who treat them as an annoyance rather than a partner.


Protecting our drivers is perhaps more important than ever before. Safety while they are driving and performing the daily labors of a truck driver has always been a top priority. And now, we need to provide hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks to protect against the invisible coronavirus.

As we evolve our definition of safety, let’s think a little bigger. In addition to protecting drivers from crashes, work comp injuries, and the coronavirus, let’s talk about protecting drivers’ health, wellbeing, and livelihoods.

Everyone knows the past few decades have seen significant deterioration in drivers’ health and wellbeing. The environment has changed and too much of our industry is using an outdated approach. Too many carriers think their responsibility to their drivers is simply providing a truck that works and a load to haul.

We can do better than this. It’s time to expand the roles and responsibilities of carriers for their drivers. Not only because it’s the right thing to do, but also because the carriers who do this will be better positioned to deal with the threats of driver turnover, unseated trucks, and soaring insurance expenses.

Let’s be more proactive about ensuring our drivers are protected. Ensure every driver has all the necessary PPE. Ensure our drivers have a way to get food and supplies when many businesses are not “truck friendly.” Take responsibility for providing predictable home time so drivers can balance their work and personal lives. Commit to consistent paychecks so drivers can know what to expect to earn and can budget their lives accordingly. 


Truck drivers have always been heroes to me. During this pandemic, others have seen them as heroes too.  As we emerge from hibernation, my hope is that we don’t forget them! They are still our heroes, perhaps now more than ever.  May we all strive to give them the Respect and Protection they deserve!