Mark Scudder | CEO of Scudder Law Firm

The DPX team jumped into an extremely difficult situation and quickly made a difference. After 90 days, the company’s operations group had a better team, a better culture, and better results.

The company had many problems, but also had strengths. DPX used data analysis to diagnose problems and pinpoint solutions. Working with the company’s team, DPX identified specific opportunities and action plans, trained people up or identified them for movement, and put in a proper reporting structure. When the team lacked certain skill sets, DPX was able to parachute in experts to perform or supplement key roles.

Importantly, DPX taught what responsibility and accountability really mean. The company learned to operate according to data and to use real-time reporting and constant communication to fix network, driver, and other problems as they arose. Very quickly, utilization was up and recruiting costs were down. DPX taught that discipline can be fun when you are winning!

DPX’s approach was effective because it was transparent, inclusive, and respectful. The company had been operating in silos, the level of trust was low, and some days the team had a hard time supporting each other. DPX communicated up front that everyone would need to contribute, and everyone would need to change, for the company to win. DPX taught unified goals, data-based analysis, transparent measurements, and consistent communication. At the end of the day, the team was more effective, more unified, and actually looked forward to working together.

I’m sure there are many other companies that could learn from the DPX team.

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